We promote equity and democracy by funding organizations that identify opportunities for policy change and address issues through research, public education, and advocacy.
Freedom of speech and expression, the freedom to practice one’s faith, the freedom to make choices about reproductive health, and to freely vote and participate in political processes are all freedoms and values that make this country great. A fair and pluralistic democracy embraces opportunity for all and respect and understanding among people of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints.

The aspirations for social justice encompass equity, employment and economic security, and non-discrimination. All people, regardless of age, race, gender, economic standing, or sexual orientation are equal and have the right to realize their economic, social, and personal potential. A society that upholds the principles of equity assures improved outcomes for all.
Everyone deserves opportunities to build better lives for themselves and their families. Opportunity inspires effort, motivates individuals, fuels a dynamic economy, and stimulates creativity and invention. Sustainable economic and social development depend on ensuring that people obtain acceptable levels of well-being and access to opportunity. We support public policies that promote opportunity for all – it is central to our history and our culture.
We seek to create both the possibilities and demand for systemic solutions and the public awareness needed for implementation. Permanent sustainable change requires re-examining old policies and advocating for new and improved ones. It involves investing in solid ideas and framing policy debates so that decisionmakers and the public alike understand the real outcomes of public policy decisions and the role of effective government.